JCA school is tied up with various schools across the globe. The schools of UK, Srilanka, India, Lebanon, Bangladesh Pakistan are connected through British council. Several project based learning activities are run through digital platforms.
JCA School , in collaboration with Scrabble Club Pokhara has launched Scrabble program as a regular teaching learning pedagogy. Our Students have fostered English vocabulary , mathematical skills and other board games. Students have represented in various National and International Championships.
JCA School has launched Duke of Edinburgh International award. This programme fosters the students’ skills, physical recreation, community service and adventurous journey. The programme is run by British Embassy. The students are awarded with bronze, silver and gold medals.
The new approach in the 21st century is Quality Circle in education. In JCA, we have practiced SQC to develop the leadership quality and solve the problems by students on their own. We have launched SQC as a curricular subject in Lower Secondary level and as a CCA in Secondary and Primary level. Our Students participate in different National and International conventions.
JCA keeps a policy that none of the students is left behind. We provide, special Vocal and Dance Classes, Flute and Harmonium classes, handwriting Classes, and Drama practice sessions. Mental Mathematics, UCMAS, AIM Mathematics are run to foster problem solving skills. Karkhana’s Bee Creative classes foster the scientific hard skills of the students. Similarly story workshops, Yoga and Meditation sessions are run periodically. We conduct Winter and Spring Camp for the personality development of the students.